Ugly Benny
We’ve all heard the saying “you shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover”, and perhaps nobody embodies the sage wisdom of that timely advice better than Benny or, “Ugly Benny”, as he has come to be called by those who have encountered him at “For Pet’s Sake Pet Store”.
A fuzzy, frumpled, tiny ball of frazzled yarn with 4 paws and two sweet eyes peeking out, Benny certainly wasn’t much to look at when he first arrived as a puppy on the doorstep of the pet store. Sam and Emma found him waiting there in a little box when they arrived for work one morning, just staring up at them with those tiny, lovable little eyes, and to this day no one knows where he came from or who brought him there.
Benny never ceases to always amuse and amaze with his unique intuition, colorful personality, and seemingly wise beyond his species behavior and antics.
Is he an angel or just one smart, lovable puppy? Perhaps he’s all of the above. We’ll let you be the judge!
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